What if you don’t bleed?

When I returned from Mongolia in 2010 my iron deficiency anemia had gotten so bad, I decided to “go on” the Mirena IUD to stop my monthly blood.

This course of action did help slowly increase my iron, but it also disconnected me from the monthly cycle I had known for almost 20 years.

During those following 7 years with the IUD & not experiencing a monthly release, I dropped into a deep Moon practice.

I started to pay more attention to the phases of the Moon.

I tracked when the Moon was waxing & waning.

I explored a symbolic rhythmic practice that required my compassionate discipline.

When the Moon was waning (phasing from Full to New), I developed an inner landscape practice & energetically released that which no longer served.

When the Moon was waxing (phasing from New to Full), my practice focused on growth & outer expansion.

Those years of not bleeding helped me to notice other rhythmic cycles within my body.

When was my energy high?

When did I desire to be alone?

This awareness taught me to honor my cycles & to practice living in alignment with my body, rather than push on through.

Being a person who bleeds monthly is not a requirement for tracking the Lunar Phases or practicing Moon Magick.

Our bodies change & transform through our lives.

So does the look & feel of our practice.

The belief that we must have a particular body – in this case a body that menstruates – in order to engage in Moon Magick is an expression of internalized misogyny, ableism, ageism, & transphobia.

All ingredients of the shit pie I call The Disembodied Gatekeeping Patriarchy.

My vision is to reconnect with the rhythmic cycles of our unique body, reclaim our Moon practices, & reimagine what our magick can be.

This New Moon I invite you to do just that.

Here are a few prompts to get you started:

  1. What do I notice in my body right now? Where do I feel my breath? Where do I not feel my breath? (There are no right/wrong answers. We’re just collecting data.)

  2. What is my New Moon intention? Why? For what purpose?

  3. What is a symbolic act I can complete right now that can move my New Moon intention from idea into action?

Allow the above prompts to inspire rather than dictate your practice.

Perhaps you explore these prompts in your journal or by creating a collage.

Maybe you talk them out with a confidant or move your body while holding the prompts in your mind.

In other words: #YouDoYou

Written by Meghan (she/her) Bursiek

Meghan is a Ritual Witch & Experience Creator. Intentional systems & containers are her magic. She supports people & organizations with integrating ritual into life, work, & personal practice without it becoming just another thing on the to-do list. Each week she sends a ritual email like you just read. Subscribe to receive Witchy Wednesdays (& thank you!)


Noticing Summer Season


What the F is the Disembodied Gatekeeping Patriarchy?