Structure gives me Freedom

When I first discovered spreadsheets in the 90’s, I instantly fell in love.

The structure of the spreadsheet grid calmed my mind & allowed me to focus on each cell, one. at. a. time.

When I narrowed my focus, I could dive deep into the creative possibilities without getting overwhelmed.

Spreadsheets gave me a container so my creativity could flow.

In early 2009, I found myself in the Arizona desert with a circle of fellow newbie witches.

We read Starhawk together & discussed the wisdom of Air, Fire, Water, & Earth.

We also used the Moon as a guide for when we would circle together.

My heart still flutters when I remember this pivotal moment in my life, when the Moon became my guide.

The Moon gave me a container so my practice could flow.

Stepping out of the broom closet & integrating my Witch identity into my business was not on my to-do list in 2019, but it still happened.

I was noticing similarities between my ritual practice & the art of coaching (a noticing that got my heart to flutter once more), so I doubled-down.

I defined the container of my ritual practice & created the Art of Ritual Framework.

I started to follow this framework in all of my offerings, whether 1:1 coaching or group sessions like Full Moon Ritual.

(I even started training others in the Art of Ritual Framework!)

The more I trusted the ritual container to guide my coaching, the more my coaching evolved.

Ritual gave me a container so my coaching could flow.

When the container is set, magick happens.

Our anxious brain can rest when we experience predictability, structure, & form.

This is why returning to a practice again & again helps us to access different aspects of ourself.

Our anxious brain isn’t trying to figure out the steps or what to do next.

Instead, we can call in other aspects of our brain, like curiosity, imagination, & possibility.

In other words: we can go deep & get witchy as fuck.

I share all of this with you because I know you have developed practices, processes, & other forms of containers that support you.

Use them!

Trust that you know the best way for your truth to flow.

I trust that you do.

Written by Meghan (she/her) Bursiek

Meghan is a Ritual Witch & Experience Creator. Intentional systems & containers are her magic. She supports people & organizations with integrating ritual into life, work, & personal practice without it becoming just another thing on the to-do list. Each week she sends a ritual email like you just read. Subscribe to receive Witchy Wednesdays (& thank you!)


The Ritual of Showing Up as More of Me


Who are you, in this moment?