What are you ready to notice?

Near my bathroom mirror (so I see it all the time), hangs a sticky note that reads:

"The moment you notice you have been lost in thought, you are no longer lost."

I love the grace & ease of this wisdom that was bestowed on me by the lovely Kelly Sunrose.

It provides the opportunity to disrupt the urge to get mad at ourself & instead greet ourself w/ celebration.

As Rachel Stern said in a 2021 class:

"When you notice, this is your moment to celebrate."


Sometimes we need a reminder to notice, which is why I align my ritual practice w/ the Moon.

Each Quarter Moon phase is a reminder to notice.

AND a moment to celebrate that we're noticing!

I don't prescribe to defining what each Quarter Moon means for everyone – rather, I like to uncover what each Moon Phase means for YOU.

To uncover what magic lies within each Moon Phase for YOU, we first begin by noticing.


My departed permaculture teacher, Toby Hemenway, taught me about the importance of pattern literacy.

In his words:

"Pattern Literacy is my effort to describe how pattern understanding can help us solve problems & appreciate & grasp nature’s workings more deeply."

Since WE ARE NATURE, pattern literacy is how we can deepen our relationship w/ ourself & the world around us.

So as a Witch, I look to the Moon:

  • What do I notice about the patterns of the Moon?

  • What do I notice about myself in relation to the patterns of the Moon?

  • What can the patterns of the Moon remind me about myself?


As we develop our pattern literacy of the Moon, we get to invite grace & ease into the practice.

Each time we remember that we were going to notice the Moon, we celebrate!

Then perhaps next time we notice the Moon AND we check-in w/ self:

  • What do I notice about ME, in this moment?


Your practice of noticing doesn't have to be perfect (there's no such thing).

There's no right way or wrong way.

There's only your way. #YouDoYou

Written by Meghan (she/her) Bursiek

Meghan is a Ritual Witch & Experience Creator. Intentional systems & containers are her magic. She supports people & organizations with integrating ritual into life, work, & personal practice without it becoming just another thing on the to-do list. Each week she sends a ritual email like you just read. Subscribe to receive Witchy Wednesdays (& thank you!)


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